Monday, September 12, 2005

Tell the Truth, Lose Your Job

White House aide Karl Rove was double dipping on tax deductions for three years -- and in the process may have committed voter fraud. And the lawyer who told the Washington Post about it is out of a job now.

Elizabeth Reyes of Austin told a Post reporter about tax deductions Mr Rove was taking on his houses in DC and Texas.

Seems that Mr Rove got a DC homestead tax for three years. He was not entitled to it. To get that deduction, he had to be registered to vote in the District. Mr Rove is reimbursing the District for $3,400 in back taxes.

Mr Rove and his wive own two rental cottages in Kerr County, Texas. They don't live in them and neighbors have never seen them there. But, Mr Rove lists one of them as his residence on his voter registration.

Ms Reyes told the Post that something like that could be construed as voter fraud under Texas law. (WashPost)

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