"The good news is -- and it's hard for some to see it now -- that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house -- he's lost his entire house -- there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch." -- President Bush, September 2, 2005
It's the kind of comment more in tune with a political fundraiser opening joke than a disaster scene. The President's photo op upon arriving on the Gulf Coast probably did little to help the administration's image over the last few days. It was basically a briefing of items that could have been handled on the flight down -- or better yet -- three days ago. It certainly didn't make the President look like he was on top of things.
He appeared detached, as if not really listening to Gov Halley Barbour (R-MS). The President nodded his head awkwardly, in no logical reaction to anything being said to him.
Behind them were parked helicopters and uniformed crewmembers standing at parade rest. Good for the cameras -- not so good for the people waiting to be airlifted out of the flood zone for days now. (WhiteHouse.gov) [Photo Credit: Defense Department]
Hey, Rendezvous, even you didn't leave an example of one thing Bush has done right! Looks like you answered your own question. Now about those 100,000 people he's left stranded in New Orleans without food and water. Maybe one of them have some praise for Bush.
I tend to agree with TR's comment.
But it seems to apply more to the people who've braved the storm and are waiting on their government to do it's duty for them. It certainly does not apply to the president...who was playing a guitar at a country music concert while Americans died in New Orleans. And who waited five days to get the ball rolling on a disaster response. As far as spineless cowards...President Bush ran on 9/11, hiding in a bunker in Nebraska. Today, he was too afraid to face the people in New Orleans, choosing to fly over the people he works for and settling for carefully choreographed photo opportunities with Halle Barber and a hand picked "family."
I will say, though, President Bush has lived up to one part of the TR quote. He has certainly "failed greatly."
It's not just the left that's pissed. I live in The OC which is incredibly conservative and the anger is pretty consistent. Also my mom who has turned to the right as she's aged is more angry than almost anyone I know ... specifically at the president for his outrageously stupid remarks. And, ummm, even Newt Gingrich. Even conservative Republicans are tired of his frat-boy - daddy's coat tails stuff.
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