VP Cheney hasn't found much wrong, calling the relief effort "very impressive" and saying he's impressed with the "very positive, can-do attitude" of Mississippians.
But at least one Mississippian told the VP what he "can-do" to himself. Repeating a line the Vice President famously uttered to Sen Patrick Leahy on the Senate floor.
Another passerby told KATC-TV that the Vice President's trip was just a photo op and a waste of taxpayer money adding the VP "picked a nice neighborhood where people have insurance and most are Republicans."
If that's the reception he got in Red State Mississippi, wait'll he lands in New Orleans -- home of the blues after last week.
Mississippi has had fewer complaints than Louisianna over the federal response. But it has been growing. Sen Trent Lott (R-MS) has complained that FEMA blocked the release of 20,000 trailers tied up in red tape in Georgia, badly needed in Mississippi. And Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) has complained that FEMA has blocked the Coast Guard from taking possession of 500 airboats to aid in search and rescue in Mississippi and Louisianna. (KATC-TV)
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