Robert Novak does just that to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff (pictured with President Bush). The Secretary finished an interview defending FEMA's indefensible response to Hurricane Katrina, then announced, "I've got this down."
He didn't.
His mike was still on and the words got out via satellite.
Of course, when he knew the mike was on, he wasn't much better -- disputing what pictures showed, saying no one knew the levees would fail when the New Orleans Times-Picayune printed that concern in black and white three years ago.
Mr Novak points to a growing number of Republicans -- including one of Secretary Chertoff's fellow Cabinet Secretaries -- who are saying Homeland Security and FEMA do not have it down.
- Secretary Alphonso Jackson (HUD) blasted Sec Chertoff & company in Tuesday's Cabinet meeting -- saying FEMA held up HUD's emergency housing response to New Orleans
- Rep Mark Foley (R-FL) is upset over FEMA's handling of hurricane response to campaign contribution donor rich West Palm Beach -- and over FEMA blocking Florida's efforts to send 500 airboats to Mississippi & Louisianna
- Republicans in a Thursday conference call called FEMA everything except an emergency response agency -- and fretted how it's poor showing in Katrina could be a disaster for the GOP at the polls next year
That could explain why getting all the paperwork perfect before letting airboats in to rescue people -- or emergency housing in place to get them out of the elements -- takes priority. (Human Events Online)
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