So what was Mr Rove doing last week while the Gulf Coast dug out and hundreds of thousands of Americans were still living in evacuee centers?
He was off hobnobbing with wealthy campaign contributors.
Mr Rove attended the Forstmann Little Aspen Weekend weekend retreat.
It's invitation only attendence to the event, sponsored by investment company Forstmann Little. Lots of the attendees showed up in their own private jets.
And comments are "off the record." But columnist Bob Novak was on the guest list and says the overall tone of the event is fair game.
He says these big time money men -- a who's who of Bush contributors -- spent the week bashing President Bush like it was a Cindy Sheehan bitch session.
"For two full days, George W. Bush was bashed. He was taken to task on his handling of stem cell research, population control, the Iraq war and,
especially, Hurricane Katrina. The critics were no left-wing bloggers. They were rich, mainly Republican and presumably Bush voters in the last two presidential elections." -- Robert Novak
I guess even when you're President of the United States, everyone kicks you when you're down.
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