Monday, August 15, 2005

Marines Trading in that SUV and Kicking Ass

Humvees don't cut it in parts of Afghanistan. The big Hummers aren't rugged enough for the rugged mountains of south central Asia.

Marines are swapping the SUVs for donkeys. The pack animals keep parts of the country resupplied. About 30 of the critters carry food and water to Marines operating in mountains crawling with Taliban and al Qaeda fighters. The Marines say the donkeys are safer than driving trucks up booby trapped roads or flying in supplies where helicopters become sitting ducks. And with the high price of driving or flying, the Marines brag they're saving taxpayers money. (RedNova)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If more of us would trade in our SUVs, there'd be less oil money flowing to al Qaeda and these Marines could finish up work early!