Wednesday, August 17, 2005

How Bridges in Alaska Weaken the War on Terror

The Ashville, North Carolina Citizen-Times sums up very simply how pork barrel spending and federal deficits steal money that could protect us:

It's a sorry sign of the times when a deficit of $331 billion - roughly $1,100 and change in new debt for every man, woman and child in the country - is hailed as good news.

A deficit of $330-some billion is nothing to celebrate, for obvious reasons. What we borrow - more accurately, what is borrowed in our name - we have to pay back. We have to pay interest on the amount. And those dollars are dollars that could otherwise be going to track down terrorists, to pay for education, to pay for health care, you name it.

Something to think about, when the 50 people on that tiny Alaskan island drive across their quarter-billion dollar bridge or when anyone else uses their pork produced benefits. (Times-Citizen)

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