Those cool sounding, Tom Clancey-esque names the Pentagon choses for our wars these days sound cool for a reason -- they're marketing gimmicks designed to win public support for a war.
They inspire and motivate people like a good movie title might lure a viewer in even if the reviews were all negative.
Now, at Arlington National Cemetary, those operation names are being carved on the gravestones of troops killed in the latest wars. That wasn't common in past fights. Usually, it just includes some basic information.
Families are supposed to have final say on what goes on the tombstones -- but that hasn't been happening lately. A lot of families are upset at what appears like an effort to turn their kins' grave marker into a billboard.
At this writing, 193 of the nearly 2,000 troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq are buried at Arlington National Cemetary. (WashPost)
Yeah those catch phrases are terrible. They turn a dirty word into something righteous, even if the dirty word is founded on a pile of lies... The propoganda wheels keep on turning...
Those 2000 deaths (at least) is reason to leave Iraq. So is the thousands of dead Iraqi civilians. The motivations of this war were false, the objectives have not been achieved.
Bush lied about WMD, and lied about protecting and freeing Iraquis....
Iraqi's continue to suffer and die.
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