"[T]he insiders say Rove hasn't backed away from his powerful role as one of President Bush's most valued advisers. He has been active, for example, in winning passage of the recently enacted transportation and energy bills..."He's now at work on the administration's plans for next year which include Social Security overhaul and tax reform.
The energy and transportation bills only included $38 billion in pork projects. Gotta wonder how Congress will tinker with Social Security and tax plans. (US News)
Click on the Karl Rove icon to see all Watching Washington posts on the Plame Name Blame Game Scandal
The criminal investigation is on Plame and her organized crime attacks.
What "organized crime" attacks?
Someone at the White House betrayed a CIA agent during war time. The special prosecutor is looking into Karl Rove and Lewis Libby and a bunch more people who could have broken the law. Plame was the crime victim. Well, Plame and the American people. Whoever betrayed her betrayed out operatives who had contact with her.
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