Monday, May 07, 2007

Doolittle's iPod

What kind of evidence could be lurking on an iPod?

Rep John Doolittle (R-CA) claims FBI agents took his wife's iPod in last month's raid on their northern Virginia home.

Rep Doolittle is believed to be under investigation for ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

In an op-ed piece in Sunday's Auburn Journal, Mr Doolittle claimed the search -- and media leaks about it -- were timed to deflect attention from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' problems in the US Attorney scandal.

"I now believe that the search of our home was in large measure an attempt to strong arm my wife in order to get me to admit to a crime — a crime that I did not commit," -- Rep Doolittle, Auburn (California) Journal
Eleven GOP aides, Bush administration figures, and others have been convicted so far in the Abramoff case. (

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