Thursday, November 24, 2005

Move Along. Nothing to See Here.

We have a free press to keep an eye on our government -- so the rest of our freedoms are protected. Think of the media as your early warning system. But the traditionally biggest watchdogs haven't been keeping much of a watch on government these days.

The Raw Story looked into the number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests the media's made with the Pentagon.

Considering we have wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq -- you'd expect a lot of requests.

TRS reports only 36 requests among the big three newspapers (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USAToday) since 2000. The breakdown:


Associated Press: 73
Los Angeles Times: 42
Washington Post: 34
New York Times: 21
USA Today: 9
WSJ: 6.


CBS: 32
Fox News: 22
NBC: 21.
CNN: 11

The Raw Story has more about what reporters looked for and what they requested. (TRS)

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