Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Motorcycles, Race Cars, and Rock Climbing Walls -- Your Defense Dollars at Work

The US Air Force commissioned a $150,000 motorcycle to help with recruiting efforts. Built by Orange County Choppers of the Discovery Channel's "American Chopper" fame, and modeled after an F-22 Raptor, the motorcycle is supposed to help with recruiting efforts.

Air Force Chopper

$150,000 motorcycle in foreground, $200 million F-22 Raptor in background

The motorcycle is one of several "non-traditional" recruiting methods the military's trying to build awareness -- in case you missed the fact we've been at war for around four years now.

The Air Force breaks out the bike at events like NASCAR races to get people talking about the Air Force. The Army sponsors a rock climbing wall at events like that.

Rock Climb

Army Rock Climbing Wall

And speaking of NASCAR -- all the branches of the service -- along with the National Guard -- now sponsor race cars as part of their recruiting efforts.


Military Recruiting Efforts include NASCAR sponsorships

A NASCAR sponsorship is estimated to cost between $10 and $20 million -- though the Army says its sponsorship cost less than $10-million. That'd be a quarter of the $40 million the Army spends on sports advertising every year. (DoD Websites) [Photo Credits: Chopper, US Air Force, Rock wall and NASCAR racer, US Army]

1 comment:

Chris Woods said...

I didn't know that by joining up with the military you got to ride big, pretty, patriotic motorcycles around in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If that's the case, then sign me up!
