Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Yo, Joe!

Forget Halliburton's contracts -- has anyone looked into Hasbro's?

This US Army picture ran on the front page of the Washington Post today. The caption read:
A U.S. Army Special Forces soldier uses GI Joe toys to demonstrate tactics during a training session with Chadian soldiers south of the capital. It is part of a $500 million Pentagon initiative to provide counterterrorism training to soldiers in North and West Africa.

Hmm. Wonder if COBRA is in cahoots with Osama these days.

Who knew our GI Joes were using GI Joes to train other armies? Well, now you know. And knowing is half the battle. (US Army/WashPost)


Ike said...

I'd rather see them use the Cheat Commandos vs. the forces of Blue Laser

Cheat Commandos... Rock ROCK On!

Ike said...

Here of course is the original commercial.

"Buy all our playsets and toys!"