Monday, August 16, 2004

POLITICS -- All We Have to Fear is the Next 78 Days

Honestly, We're Not Trying to Intimidate You. It’s election season and folks are canvassing door-to-door. But in New York City, the canvassers include FBI guys, checking up on people known to protest at past events. It appears they want to know what these people plan to do with their First Amendment rights to speech and assembly during the Republican National Convention. Really, these conventions would go off a lot smoother if it weren’t for that pesky Constitution. (NYT)

More Cops Canvassing. In Florida, it’s special investigators canvassing door-to-door. They’re reportedly talking with elderly black voters about voter fraud. The investigators are State Police who answer to Governor Jeb Bush’s office. Some of the people police met with say it was rather intimidating and frightening. Police won’t talk about their investigation, but say it could last right up until the election. Hmmmm. Just like the Orange Alert. Is there a pattern here? (NYT – Opinion)

Counting the Votes from Kuwait. Overseas voters may have the final word in this year’s Presidential election. With the 2000 election decided by 500 or so votes in Florida and somewhere between 4 and 10 million Americans living overseas, the election may not be over until all the absentee votes are in. (MSNBC)

A Single Vote. In an election where every single vote counts, the Presidential campaigns have reason to go after single voters. I'm talking non-married voters. National politics is full of attacks on the marriage penalty, support for family values, and targeted tax cuts for families with children. Single voters are just about ignored. Despite the fact there are 80 million of them. (FOX News)

Fringes Candidates. The other candidates for President have platforms that call for tearing down the wall between church and state, abolishing the Defense Department, and returning to the gold standard. (WashPost)

Creating a Church State. Christian Exodus has a plan to move conservative Christians into South Carolina in such numbers as to convert the state’s politics and government. The final step would be a state with a state religion. If their plan to take over state government fails, they plan to seek independence. Fort Sumter just went to Orange Alert. (FOX News)