Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I Searched for "David" +"Duchovney's" +"Career" and Came up Blank

Osama bin Laden is roaming free. The CIA's looking for him, but what are people looking for on the CIA website? The spy agency, so bad at keeping track of WMDs does keep track of what people search for on their website. For February, 2005, the most searched for item was UFOs. A total of 2019 searches for aliens crossed their site.

The CIA lists the top 25 most frequent search phrases on their site.

There's an Internet game going on right now to have people enter "naked cheerleaders xxx" in their search box to take the title next time.

I'm not encouraging anyone to do that. And I've already told that to the nice men in black who just showed up at my door. (CIA)

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