Thursday, July 05, 2007

"Minor Obstacle"

The White House is still in damage control mode over the Libby commutation -- after taking fire from former President Bill Clinton.

“You’ve got to understand, this is consistent with their philosophy. [The Bush administration] believe that they should be able to do what they want to do, and that the law is a minor obstacle.” -- President Bill Clinton, interview on Des Moines radio station WHO
The White House fired back with attacks on Mr Clinton's pardons -- 396 of them.

“I don’t know what Arkansan is for chutzpah, but this is a gigantic case of it.” White House Spokesman Tony Snow reacting to Bill Clinton's comments on the Libby commutation
Clinton issued three pardons more than Ronald Reagan -- the last two term President before him. And 211 of those came in the final nine weeks of the Clinton term -- after the 2000 elections. President Bush has issued 113 pardons. (CNN)

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