Tuesday, October 19, 2004

All We Have to Fear is the Next 14 Days

Ever wonder why election day is so close to Halloween?

Maybe it's easier to scare us voters.

Vice President Dick Cheney wins the spooky speech of the day prize with his suggestion in Ohio that terrorists could bomb US cities with nuclear weapons.

Even as the Veep's spooking us into our bomb shelters, his boss was down in Florida accusing Senator Kerry of using "scare tactics" in suggesting the Bush administration would have some kind of military draft in a second term.

But talk of a draft appears to scare kids into voting against the President, just as sure as talk of nuking Carroll, Ohio scares the security moms into voting for him.

And with the election only two days after Halloween the rhetoric will surely be the political equivilent of flaming bags of dog-poo on our front porches.

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