Saturday, September 09, 2006

Television Ad Shows Reagan Praising Webb In 1985 Speech

A Reagan appointee turned Democratic Senate candidate is catching flack for using the "Gipper" in a television ad.

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan has fired off a letter asking Jim Webb (right) to stop airing the ad (below) immediately.

Other Republicans complain that Mr Webb is being hypocritical -- using the late President's words of praise for the then Navy Secretary, after Mr Webb resigned in a dispute with President Reagan. (WashPost/YouTube)

1 comment:

Dr Victorino de la Vega said...

Jim Webb quit the Republican Party in the early 1990s, after clashing with the staunchly pro-Israel “Neo-conservative” ideologues he viewed as enemies of America and the West.

The fact he’s running against George Felix Allen, a self-declared friend of the Israeli fascist far-right and a staunch supporter of President Bush’s neo-colonial wars of aggression can only endear him to me!

Over the past decade, the White House, the Pentagon and Congress have become mere Middle-Eastern-occupied Bantustans with the kings of Israel and Saudi Arabia calling the shots…

Clearly, it’s “time we got our country back [and] on track”.