Monday, February 14, 2005

Bad Medicine?

Anti-malaria pills given to US troops may be causing problems as well as curing them. Take the case of Georg-Andreas Pogany. While serving in Iraq he suddenly became panicked and convinced the enemy was charging into his tent.

When he asked the brass for help -- he became the first soldier since Vietnam charged with cowardice.

Only after shipping him home did the military read the disclaimer on the Lariam they'd ordered Mr Pogany -- that it may cause paranoia and hallucinations. His lawyer latched onto that as a defense -- and Uncle Sam dropped all charges against him.

As Mr Pogany put it, "What are we doing giving drugs that cause hallucinations, confusion, psychotic behavior to people that carry weapons and hold secret clearances?" (CBS)

1 comment:

total said...

I ahve taken Larium. It does have side effects, but for me they were mild.

Larium is used but it is the cheapest, best weekly anti-malariali out there.

However, one could ask what the incidnece of malaria is in Iraq. I imagine it is low.