Friday, July 15, 2005

Forget Sound Science, We've Got an Agenda to Push

The White House web site may have misleading information on it. Three physicians and a child psychologist took a close look at the White House's web page aimed at helping parents and teens make healthy choices. They say it has a lot of bad information about condoms, sexual orientation, and single-parent households.

The website is billed as helping parents and teens make "smart choices about their health and future." But in it's rush to condemn single-parent households and promote abstinence-until-marriage programs -- it virtually ignores dangers of drinking alcohol.

The Department of Health and Human Services paid $46,000 to develop the website. The money went to the National Physicians Center for Family Resources. That group promoted a study claiming to link breast cancer to past abortions. The Bush administration once supported the study -- but has since removed it from their web sites. (WashPost)

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